Hello Guys

Hello Guys

Get ready for non-stop fun with "Hello Guys", a vibrant and energetic game inspired by the popular "Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout". Offering a mix of racing, jumping, and side-scrolling challenges, this game tests your reflexes and agility across an array of exciting mini-games. Whether you're racing against opponents, dodging obstacles, or testing your memory, "Hello Guys" provides endless entertainment and competition.

Gameplay and Mini-Games

"Hello Guys" features seven different mini-games, each with its unique set of challenges:

  • Egg Stealing Races: Snatch eggs and dash to the opposing nest faster than your rivals.
  • Obstacle Courses: Navigate through a stage filled with traps and barriers.
  • Memory Tests: Survive by remembering the position of life-saving fruits.
  • High Jump: Leap to hit a ball as many times as possible before time runs out.

Competitive and Fun Races

Compete against a multitude of players in fun-filled races, where quick thinking and swift movements are key to victory. Each race is designed to be both challenging and enjoyable, ensuring that every game is a fresh experience.

Character Customization

Earn in-game currency to unlock new characters, adding a personal touch to your gaming experience. Each character brings a unique flair to the races, making every victory even more rewarding.

Endless Adventures

"Hello Guys" promises a diverse range of adventures, keeping the gameplay engaging and dynamic. Whether you're a seasoned gamer or new to racing games, you'll find joy and excitement in every round.


"Hello Guys" is the perfect game for those seeking thrilling races, fun challenges, and a lively gaming community. Inspired by "Fall Guys," this game captures the essence of competitive fun and takes it to new heights. Ready to prove your skills and reach the top of the podium? Join the exhilarating world of "Hello Guys" and have more fun than ever!

Have you played "Hello Guys"? Share your favorite mini-games, strategies, or most memorable moments in this Fall Guys-inspired adventure in the comments below! 🏃‍♂️🎮🏆

  1. avatar


    - 02-03-2021 14:29:07
    Wow Hello Guys! That's incredible game, i will play it later...